Sunday, August 2, 2009

edtl 2300

Chapter 1

The introduction and the first chapter to the course were very informative and an eye opening experience for me. Before I read the chapter I would have assumed I knew exactly what educational technology was. I was surprised to discover that print material, posters, and even diagrams were considered educational technology. The history and predictions that were made in the past were also very informative. Thankfully Thomas Edison’s prediction that movie projectors would replace teachers became true. Learning about multiple intelligence was also high point for myself in this chapter because I fell I can relate to its concept.

The All About Me project was an enjoyable assignment. It was a good exercise for me considering I cannot remember the last time I put a power point presentation together. The exercise on the Mac program was very difficult for me. To begin with I am not what one would consider computer savvy, none the less familiar with a Mac. It was good for me but I can definitely use some more training in that area.

The exercise and knowledge gained from this week will definitely help me in the long run as long as I practice them. The knowledge of multiple intelligence and different learning styles hopefully make me a more proficient teacher one day. Also, the introduction to the Mac and brush up on power point was very useful. It never really crossed my mind that a school system could be ran through a Mac, that is motivation enough to became better acquainted with its operations.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 taught me that you need a well designed plan to be successful and to have technology support you plan. The design plan act formula presents an order on how to do this. I was introduced to the Dynamic Instructional Design (DID) Model and that its purpose is to emphasize flexibility and responsiveness in the instructional design process. Having a solid plan is important for an educator to have and be able to successfully execute. It is imperative to have the have a plan that ensures that the lessons are being communicated in a way that maximizes the learning experience. The plans must also be flexible in a way to allow continuous on the move improvements. We can use formative and summative feedback to achieve this goal. Step three in the Dynamic Instructional Design Model seems to be a very important one to me. I think the condition of the learning environment has a profound affect on the education received. There are simple steps we can take to improve the environment such as adjusting lighting and the temperature. Other steps that can be taken to help different learning styles is the way the classroom is set up to encourage students to work with groups and setting up small, comfortable, quite study areas. All these are imperative to maximize the student’s performance. I can really understand on how the environment of a classroom can affect the learning process. I can recall times I was in middle and high school that I was so uncomfortable that I was unable to pay attention and would dread going to particular classrooms for instruction. With this information it will allow to try my best to make a classroom an enjoyable comfortable place for students to learn and grow.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 was all about computers in the learning environment. Chapter 3 really breaks down the basics of a computer including its internals, externals, and inputs/outputs. Most of this information is pretty much common knowledge for the average person yet was a good light lesson about the computer. As I have stated before I am not all that computer savvy so I probably learned more than most people from this chapter.

The part of the chapter that was the most useful for me was learning about school networks and shared hardware. Everyone is connected to some what of a network in their job, office or school but not always too sure what it is. Learning about what bandwidth and the diagram was informative for myself as that was something new I had learned. The chapter was light and brief but it was informative.

The information I have received from chapter 3 is something that can probably help me in the future when I have a job at a school. The basic information about computers has kept me acquainted with them and their skeleton. This will be useful if I am ever teaching a younger group and one of theme has a simple question I will be able to answer it. Learning the ropes of how school networks are setup and ran will esure that I am not so lost when I become apart of one.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 is all about the use of digital technologies in the classroom. There are so many different technologies that can be used in the classroom today to enhance and even better the learning system. There are so many different types of technology for the classroom, everything from scanners to handheld computers for the students. Technology is truly changing the face of the classroom and they way teachers teach.

The chapter of technology reminds me of the video Mary Scruggs classroom. They way that school was using technology inside and outside of the classroom was amazing and in my opinion made the learning experience better. They used digital cameras, laptops and hand held devices to instantly respond to answers on the overhead. They learned how to download the pictures to the computer and write captions for them at a young age along with many other activities. That video showed exactly how and the positive influence technology can have on the classroom.

I will be able and probably have to use technology when I am finally teaching. The chapter and the activities for the section will be able to help me in the future. The book reminds me of the basic and gives some ideas for future use of technology in the classroom.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 was all about administrative software and how to apply it. It was not a difficult read but it was a good reminder. It helped me brush up on many of my skills as I do not use many of those programs such as excel very often. It was helpful to read this chapter and to complete some of the activities in anticipation of the Productivity Tool Project. There were many helpful hints that helped me complete the project correctly without having to ask somebody how to perform certain task. The Productivity Tools Project was a little difficult due to I don’t think I completely understood it at first. Once I got the ball rolling it was not too bad. I really enjoyed getting to use the Inspiration program on the Mac. I am new to Macs so it made it challenging yet fun. I think I would definitely use the inspiration program as a teacher in the classroom. I think I would be a great tool if there was a full class brainstorming ideas.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 was all about academic software. There was a lot of valuable information in the text about how academic software can be used in the classroom to aid students learning. I really enjoyed learning about problem solving software in which it gives the learner the opportunity to learn by doing. That is my favorite way to learn, is by doing and seeing. I think that academic software is very valuable in the classroom as we saw in the video. I learned that computer software is not only just to assist us and make task easier but also can help educate and learn. I believe this because I think that the more involved the students are the better off they are. If the students are intrigued by the lesson and enjoy it, they are more likely to carry that lesson with them for a longer period of time. I would definitely use academic software in my classroom. I think that it can really contribute and enhance the learning process. I also enjoyed “The Medicated Child” video. It was very eye opening and informative. I think that this issue is a very big problem and somehow needs to be controlled before it gets out of hand.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 text was about the Internet and the World Wide Web. It basically described and explained many different types of internet functions such as mailing list, video conference, and chats. The text was pretty brief yet a good refresher. What was new that I learned and have never done before was the digital images project. This is the first time I have ever used Photoshop. I know, I am way behind the curve, but I have never had a need for it before this project. It was a fun project and I learned a lot. As I had discussed earlier in my reflection of the assignment I had a bad experience with the program while doing the assignment because of malfunctions on the computers behalf. But, since then I have given it another try and was more successful. The Photoshop program was very fun and interesting. Lab seven and eight were a big help in learning how to navigate the program. I still feel that there is so much in Photoshop to do that I am unaware of. That is what gives the motivation to play with it and learn when I have some extra time.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 reviewed some the benefits of using the internet for teaching and learning. The chapter explains that the internet has evolved from the intimating days of text based commands and no user-friendly user screens. Today the internet is full of point-and-click and convenient links for both teachers and learners. I liked the idea that there are academic tools online that help generate worksheets for many different student activities. To many this type of support online for teachers is old news but for me it is new and interesting. I did not have any idea that there was this type of support online as I am new into the Education major as of this semester. The On the Web Activity was also useful. I really enjoyed exploring the web site “The Educator’s Reference Desk.” There was a lot of valuable information included in the page and the links. As the chapter explains it was very user friendly compared to web sites in the past. The page included everything from lesson plans to employment opportunities. I will probably keep that page in my favorites as it has the ability to be very useful in my future.

Chapter 9
Chapter 9 introduced us to audio and visual media of all types, from traditional visual, audio, and video technologies all the way to the cutting edge technologies. It showed us different ways that they can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning process. These technologies have truly become a main part in education. I cannot remember a classroom that I was in that the learning process did not include at least an overhead projector, transparencies, or some sort of video. Of these technologies that are becoming very popular in the classroom one is the web cam. As we learned in the article, “Web Cams Bring Lessons to Life,” these web cams are being used to take field trips from the classroom, study natural disasters happen live, and even watch dog sled racing happen live. Web cams have so many advantages in the classroom; they present so many unlimited opportunities at a low cost which benefits schools with tight budgeting. I will definitely include web cams in my classrooms because of the opportunities they present for the teaching and learning process.

Chapter 10
Chapter 10 is about distance education. It is a chapter about the growing use of distance learning and how the classroom is changing. In the reading of the chapter I was very surprised to find out that distance education dates all the way back to the mid 1800s using the mail system in Europe. Thankfully today with the technology we have that is not the case. Distance education today is orchestrated today mainly with the internet using web cams, audio and standard formats such as Blackboard. The video we watched, “The Virtual Classroom: Online Learning,” really showed some of the advantages and opportunities present by online learning. The opportunities included for a young woman to practice ice skating during the morning when it was more convenient for her and take her classes online in the evening increasing her dreams of Olympic gold medals while still obtaining an education. The classes also present opportunities for individual to get ahead by taking extra classes online during their own time. I learned that online classes and distance learning is a lot more than just convenience for the student and professors but present many opportunities for them, especial the student. I enjoy online classes myself because of the flexibility, but I do prefer the face to face communication with the professor. I am sure online classes will become more popular but do not think that they should take over education completely especially for middle and high school as students may lose valuable communication and social skills.

Chapter 11
Chapter 11 is about issues in implementing technology in school. What I was really surprised to learn about in the text was virtual environment. It is unlike virtual reality which is a three-dimensional representation of real or imagined places. Virtual environment may allow participant to feel, hear, smell, taste, and see the aspects of the environment being learned about. This blew my mind. This could even allow people with physical disabilities to “move” about and experience the virtual world. I think that this is a wonderful opportunity.
We also research the digital divide. The digital divide is the gap between people with effective access to digital technology such as computer and technology that is developing everyday and those who do not. This epidemic was surprising to me. I was aware of it somewhat but had no idea how bad it was and the consequences that it may provide. This is a big issue that needs to be addressed now. It affects more people than I can imagine. This research of this really opened my eyes and I will begin to follow it to see what our world leaders try to do about it.

Chapter 12
As we prepare for the final exam we stumble upon the final chapter of the course and book. The chapter addresses the National Educational Technology Standards for teacher. Technology is apart of us in our everyday life even when we don’t realize it. We use it to communicate, make purchase, and even get our news. As educators we must ensure that students understand this and are well educated with the technology as that is they way the future is turning. What we must remember is that as educators we must also be on the ball when it comes to new technology. If we lag they lag. I learned in the text that lacking technology literacy will soon be similar to being unable to read and write. Could you imaging a teacher that was unable to read or write? That is why we must ensure we lead by example and stay ahead of the curve. This is why I plan to take technology and computer classes during the summer when I become a teacher. I would be so embarrassed if a student had to show me how to do something, plus it just would not look good on my part. This is a very important piece of advice from the reading.

Here are some links that

pertain to my chosen
career path.


  1. I agree with you in that learning and knowing about networks will be beneficial to us as future teachers.

  2. Your reflections look pretty good to me. I'd just make one recommendation: break them up into individual posts so that we could comment on specific ones more easily. It'll also help keep topics and assignments separate if you decide to make a class blog when you start teaching.

    Also: Hooah Air Force. Pre-9/11 C.A.P. guy here myself.
